Do I need a permit or license for tree removal?

Sometimes, it becomes necessary to remove a tree from your Twin Cities property. It may be that the tree has died and begun to rot, it may be a safety issue caused by the tree's growth or it may simply be that you need to clear the way for new construction. When a tree needs to be removed, some homeowners and business owners would prefer to handle the job themselves. However, this can result in legal issues.

Depending on your specific circumstances, you may be legally required to obtain a special permit or license before your tree removal project. In most cities in Minnesota, private property owners are within their legal rights to remove a tree from their land without obtaining a permit. It's important to check on your city ordnance first, as certain communities may have more specific laws regarding tree removal.

You'll almost always need a special permit to remove a tree from public property. Even if a tree on public land bordering your own poses a hazard to your private property, it's still necessary to contact the city and learn what steps need to be taken for legal removal. Even on private property, tree removal may require a permit if you're removing the tree from a protected area such as natural wetlands. Certain species of trees, such as Minnesota-native oaks, may also be protected against removal unless you obtain licensing.

Though you may be within your legal rights to remove a tree yourself, this is a job that can prove difficult and dangerous. As a general rule, tree removal is best left in the hands of experienced tree care professionals. Call Pro Tree today if you're in need of expert tree removal services in the Twin Cities metro area!