How To Get Rid of Emerald Ash Borer Issues

When one hears the word “emerald”, you would automatically think it has to do with some priceless jewel. In the case of Emerald Ash Borer, also known as EAB, it signifies the destruction of one of our valuable natural resources.

EAB is a beetle so named for its wing covering that has an emerald appearance. They attack ash trees by laying eggs in tiny spaces created by the bark. When the eggs develop into larvae, they burrow into the tree’s trunk leading to what is known as emerald ash borer infestation.

Emerald ash borers are native to Asia, where they pose no risk to the trees. It, however, became a crisis when they were introduced to the US when they exited freight ships which came from Asia. In 2002, their presence was first recorded in Michigan, and they have not-so-quietly spread into Minnesota


Signs of Emerald Ash Borer Infestation 

Emerald Ash Borer Damage

It is difficult to notice the indicators that show an ash tree has been infested with EAB to the untrained eyes. This is because some of these signs are hard to observe; the tree’s bark covers some. For other signs, it isn’t easy to precisely connect them to these beetles. 

One of the signs is the reduction in the canopy size of the ash tree. This is due to the destruction of the tree’s vascular system as the larvae eat through the trunk, cutting off the supply of water and nutrients so they don’t get to the leaves. 

Another sign to look out for is the increase in the activities of woodpeckers. These birds feed on the beetle’s larvae, and sometimes they expose the tunnels that have been dug by the larvae when they remove the bark of the tree. 

As the larvae mature into an adult, they dig back out of the tree. To leave the tree, they make a characteristic “D” shape on the surface of the trunk. This is also a sign to look out for. 


Prevent Your Ash Trees From EAB Infestation 

The current spread of EAB across the greater area of the Twins Cities is disturbing, and it needs everyone to be proactive in curbing it. This is because the early days of infestation are hard to notice, and once the EAB larvae have destroyed about 50% of the tree’s vascular system, it might die.    

However, one can prevent the infestation from even happening using scientifically proven emerald ash borer treatments to ensure 100% protection from these bugs. Pro-Tree performs this procedure with trunk injection treatments. Small holes are drilled to the base of the trunk, and emamactin benzoate, a compound that has been confirmed to be safe by horticulturists, is pumped into the ash tree. It then absorbs the chemical through its vascular system and kills any EAB living in the trunk. 

The situation cannot be remedied for trees that are already infested with half of the canopy thinned. What is recommended is a safe removal of such ash trees. This is to ensure emerald ash borer control as they can spread to other uninfected ones. Such diseased trees can also cause accidents as their branches can fall as they dry up. 

For accident-free removal, it is essential to use the services of professionals. At Pro-Tree, we assess any damage that could be done to properties and powerlines, and we use this to determine the best approach to remove diseased trees. Trees that will cause damage when felled can be sectioned with their branches cut systematically. 


Top-Rated Emerald Ash Borer Treatments

If your residence is in the greater Twin Cities area and you need to protect your ash trees against emerald ash borers, call Pro-Tree Outdoor services. We offer EAB treatments, health care services, tree removal and many more.

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